Catalogues de manuscrits et manuscrits en ligne, par ordre alphabétique de pays.
NB: Les Bibliothèques numérisant de plus en plus leurs fonds, la liste n’est pas figée mais est amenée à s’étoffer au fil du temps… Si vous constatez qu’il nous manque des références, faites-nous signe.
Middle East Virtual Library (MENALIB) : (The Middle East Virtual Library (MENALIB) is an information portal for Middle East, North African, and Islamic Studies. It provides access to electronic fulltext materials or electronic bibliographical records of printed materials and manuscripts.)
Fihrist: Islamic Manuscripts Catalogue Online (This catalogue provides a searchable interface to basic manuscript descriptions from some of the major manuscript collections in the UK. With the continuing contribution of manuscript records from UK libraries, Fihrist aims to become a union catalogue for manuscripts in Arabic script.)
Library of the University of Cambridge (Cambridge) :
- E. G. Browne: A catalogue of the Persian manuscripts in the Library of the University of Cambridge.1896.
- E. G. Browne: A hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. 1900.
- E. G. Browne: A supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts, including all those written in the Arabic character, preserved in the libraries of … Cambridge. 1922.
- R. A. Nicholson: A descriptive catalogue of the Oriental MSS belonging to the late E.G. Browne. 1932.
- A. J. Arberry: A second supplementary hand-list of the Muhammadan manuscripts in the University and Colleges of Cambridge. 1952.
- G. Khan: A Catalogue of the Arabic Papyri in the Michaelides Collection. 2009
- W. Wright: A catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Vol. I. 1901(PDF)
- W. Wright: A catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts preserved in the Library of the University of Cambridge. Vol. II. 1901.(PDF)
Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid):
- Guillén Robles, F., Catálogo de los manuscritos árabes existentes en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (1889).
Biblioteca CSIC-TNT [ex-Junta de Ampliacion de Estudios] (Madrid) :
- Ribera, J.; Asín Palacios, M., Manuscritos arabes y aljamiados de la Biblioteca de la Junta (1912).
- Mss. numérisés et consultables sur le portail Manuscripta du CSIC (cliquer ensuite sur l’onglet “Buscar”)
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Amsterdam) :
- P. de Jong, Catalogus codicum Orientalium Bibliothecae Academiae Regiae Scientiarum. Leiden (E.J. Brill) 1862 (written in Latin)
- Jan Just Witkan Inventory of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, 2006.
Leiden University Library (Leiden) :
- Jan Just Witkam Inventory of the Oriental Manuscripts of the Library of the University of Leiden, Ter Lugt Press, Leiden, 2008. (catalogue en format pdf qui rassemble tous les manuscrits orientaux présents dans la bibliothèque de l’Université de Leiden)
National Library (Prague) :
- The collection of Arabic manuscripts in the National Library of the Czech Republic (200 mss. The Arabic manuscripts cover various branches of human activity as, for example, logic, mathematics, religion, politics, law, astronomy, medicine, science of nature, or literature. Concrete information about their acquisition has not been preserved.)
University Library “SVETOZAR MARKOVIC” (Belgrade) :