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Appel à communication : “Sicily, Al-Andalus and the Maghreb: Writing in Times of Turmoil”, Barcelone, 4-5 mai 2017 (limite : 15 décembre 2016)

Appel à communication :

“Sicily, Al-Andalus and the Maghreb: Writing in Times of Turmoil”

Barcelone, 4-5 mai 2017.


Papers are being sough for “Sicily, Al-Andalus and the Maghreb: Writing in Times of Turmoil,” an international conference organized by the Dept. of Medieval and Ancient Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Barcelona on May 4-5, 2017.

Scholars and Graduate Students working in the fields of Medieval History, Arabic, Hebrew and Romance Literature, Classics and Comparative Literature are encouraged to apply.

The conference focusses on the periods of political turmoil which affected Muslim Iberia, Sicily and the Maghreb, aiming to highlight the complexities of literary artifacts produced in times of political transition and shifting sovereignties, and to offer new perspectives on the cultural ties that were made and unmade throughout these periods. We expect the conference will be a venue for collegial interaction between different generations of scholars and graduate students.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
• representations of conflict and internecine strife
• cultural and aesthetic inclusion/rejection
• circulation of knowledge between al-Andalus, Sicily and the Maghreb
• articulation of private and public trauma
• negotiation of spaces and authority through literature
• the rise of new literary forms

Keynote Speakers:
Maribel Fierro (CSIC-Madrid)
Maria Corraro (Luiss Guido Carli, Rome)
Alex Metcalfe (Lancaster University)
Giuseppe Mandalà (CSIC-Madrid)
Alexander Elinson (Hunter College- New York)
William Granara (Harvard University).

Date limite : 15 décembre 2016.

There is no registration fee for this conference. A number of travelling grants is available for participants. We request that a working title for each paper be provided by December 15, 2016. The deadline for abstract submission is February 3rd, 2017.

For further information and abstracts submissions contact
Nicola Carpentieri:

Source: Nicola Carpentieri

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ouidad Hamitri (28 septembre 2016). Appel à communication : “Sicily, Al-Andalus and the Maghreb: Writing in Times of Turmoil”, Barcelone, 4-5 mai 2017 (limite : 15 décembre 2016). Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

Ouidad Hamitri

Doctorante en Histoire Médiévale à l'Université Lyon 2 et membre du CIHAM, elle travaille sur la chirurgie en Al-Andalus (Xe-XVe s.)

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