Parution et Lancement d’ouvrage : “Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant”, 6/10/2016

Lancement d’ouvrage
Book Launch and Lecture: Thursday 6 October 2016, 6pm. The Kenyon Institute is pleased to host the presentation of a Festschrift and a reception in honour of Professor Denys Pringle (Cardiff University, UK), to celebrate his prestigious career. The event, with the presence of Prof. Pringle and of one of the book editors, Micaela Sinibaldi (CBRL Visiting Research Fellow), will follow a lecture by Prof. Pringle entitled: ‘The Walls of Byzantine and Medieval Ascalon’. Please see the attached flyer for more information about the event and the speakers. This is a joint event with the Educational Bookshop and Dar al-Tifel al-Arabi. All are welcome.
Sur le livre
Sinibaldi M., Lewis K. J., Major B., Thompson J. A. (2016), Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant. The Archaeology and History of the Latin East, University of Wales Press.
Written to celebrate the prestigious career of Professor Denys Pringle, this collection of articles produced by many of the leading archaeologists and historians in the field of crusades studies offers a compilation of pioneering scholarship on recent studies on the Latin East. The geographical breadth of topics discussed in each chapter reflects both Pringle’s international collaborations and research interests, and the wide development of scholarly interest in the subject. With a concentration on the areas corresponding to the crusader states during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, the articles also offer research into the neighbouring areas of Cyprus, Anatolia, Greece and the West, and the legacy of the crusader period there, with results from recent archaeological fieldwork in the Middle East.
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Simon Dorso (28 septembre 2016). Parution et Lancement d’ouvrage : “Crusader Landscapes in the Medieval Levant”, 6/10/2016. Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse