Conférence : “City and Hinterland in Medieval and Ottoman Palestine […]”, Jérusalem, 5-6 mai 2016 (date limite : 30 avril)
Conférence :
“City and Hinterland in Medieval and Ottoman Palestine. The History and Archaeology of Landscape”.
5-6 mai 2016
Dar Isaaf Nashashibi Center for Culture, Arts and Literature, 30 Mount of Olives Road, Sheikh Jarra, East Jerusalem 91192
This two-days special workshop explores the subject of settlement in Palestine between the Medieval and the Ottoman periods by discussing both historical and archaeological sources.
The conference will explore the relationship between main centers and smaller centers and among smaller centers. It will also discuss how we can learn more about the structure, function and location of the minor centers by the combined use of several sources. Scholars will present papers on the subject and have a final round table discussion to summarise results.
On the second day, the conference scholars will lead a tour of some of some of the sites discussed during the conference.
Please note that registration in advance is compulsory for the event, that there is a deadline of April 30th and that it is possible to register either for both the conference and field trip or for the conference only, but not for the field trip only.
Please note that the conference will take place at the Dar Isaaf Nashashibi Center for Culture, Arts and Literature, 30 Mount of Olives Road, Sheikh Jarrah.
This is an event organised by the Kenyon Institute in partnership with Dar al-Tifel al-Arabi.
Programme :
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OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Simon Dorso (15 avril 2016). Conférence : “City and Hinterland in Medieval and Ottoman Palestine […]”, Jérusalem, 5-6 mai 2016 (date limite : 30 avril). Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse