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Appel à com : III International Conferences “MEDITERRÁNEOS 2016”, Madrid, 26-28 oct., (date limite : 31 mars 2016)

Appel à communication : III International Conferences “MediterráneoS 2016”

“Early-Stage Researchers in Languages and Cultures of the Mediterranean and the Near East”

Madrid, 26-27-28 octobre 2016

Presentation :
In the last decades, many researchers have questioned the validity of the notion “Mediterranean” as an intelligible unit of analysis, arguing that it responds rather to a modern discursive construction and that the unified perception of reality it entails is nothing other than fiction. Despite that, and even if many of these postulates are endorsed, the “Mediterranean” continues to be a tremendously useful tool when addressing particular issues that require a wider framework of analysis. The Mediterranean has been and still is a place for exchange and contact. A borderland, in some cases, with limits, but one with permeable and spongy limits that feeds itself from its different shores.

Embracing the legacy of the two prior editions (2010 and 2012), the aim of “MediterráneoS 2016” is that of recreating the space –imagined and reconstructed over and again– for dialogue, connection and transition, creating a transversal and interdisciplinary forum for discussion and reflection about the different intellectual, cultural and social manifestations that took place in the Mediterranean from Antiquity until the Early modern period.

Appel à communication :
We invite junior researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences, PhD students or Doctors at the beginning of their scientific career (having obtained the degree from 2011), to take part in these conferences by presenting papers. These shall have a duration of up to 20 minutes. Papers are accepted in English, Spanish, French and Italian about the following themes:

  • Philological Studies: Linguistics, textual criticism, literary analysis, new technologies and methods of investigation.
  • Studies on Material Culture of Language:
    • Indirect or literary sources (paleography, codicology, transmission and translation).
    • Direct and documentary sources (papyrology and epigraphy).
  • Social, Cultural and Science History: reception process, cultural exchange and transfer between societies in connection. Identity construction and crisis. Philosophical, religious and magical ideas and practices; religious power and legitimisation.
  • Artistic Manifestations and Material Culture as evidence and vehicle of transmission of religious, political and cultural ideology; tradition and innovation, assimilation and influence.
  • Political Theory and History: effective achievement of forms of power, authority models, ways of government, hierarchical relationships of intra- and superstate powers.

Date limite : 31 mars 2016

Modalités :

The proposals, unlike the papers, should be written in English or Spanish, and must contain between 300 and 500 words as well as a group of keywords. The deadline for the submission of proposals is the 31st of March 2016.

Please send the attached form I to the following e-mail address:, specifying the field in the subject line of the e-mail (Proposal MediterráneoS 2016- “Field of discipline”). Proposals should include the following sections: name and surname, degree, year of the doctoral dissertation (in case of those who already hold a PhD), and Research institution. Acceptance to participate in the conference follows upon the payment of a fee of 20 Euros.

Those interested simply in attending the conferences and obtaining a certificate of attendance should complete form II and pay a fee of 10 Euros. This registration and the payment receipt should be sent to, indicating in the subject line of the e-mail “Attendance MediterráneoS 2016”. The deadline for registration is the 25th of October 2016.

More info:

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Ouidad Hamitri (5 février 2016). Appel à com : III International Conferences “MEDITERRÁNEOS 2016”, Madrid, 26-28 oct., (date limite : 31 mars 2016). Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse

Ouidad Hamitri

Doctorante en Histoire Médiévale à l'Université Lyon 2 et membre du CIHAM, elle travaille sur la chirurgie en Al-Andalus (Xe-XVe s.)

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