The Yemeni Manuscript Digitization Initiative (YMDI): International Workshop, Berlin, 9-10 May 2012
The Yemeni Manuscript Digitization Initiative (YMDI) International Workshop Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Haus Potsdamer Straße, 9-10 May 2012 The Yemeni Manuscript Digitization Initiative ( <> is a collective of scholars and librarians dedicated to preserving the Arabic manuscripts in the private libraries of Yemen. In 2010, Princeton University Library and Freie Universität Berlin (Research Unit Intellectual History of the Islamicate World) received a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft/National Endowment for the Humanities (DFG/NEH) Enriching Digital Collections Grant to work with The Imam Zayd ben Ali Cultural Foundation to digitize, catalog, and make freely available the codices in three private libraries in Sanaa, Yemen and Yemeni manuscripts from the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and Princeton University Library ( <> As part of this NEH/DFG grant and with additional funding of the European Research Council (Rediscovering Theological Rationalism in the Medieval World of Islam), Freie Universität Berlin and Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin are hosting an international workshop from May 9-10, 2012. With participation by scholars of Arabic and Islam and digital humanities librarians from Europe, the United States, and Yemen, this workshop is an opportunity for scholars who use Arabic manuscripts in their research and librarians dedicated to virtual manuscript conservation and the digital humanities to meet and discuss areas of shared interest. Panel topics at the workshop include papers on the current state of the private manuscript libraries of Yemen; Zaydi thought as reflected in Yemeni manuscripts; the digital preservation and cataloging of Arabic manuscripts; and the role of manuscripts in the digital humanities. Program May 9th 9:00-10:20 Opening Session [English] Barbara Schneider-Kempf, Director General of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin: “Opening Welcome” Sabine Schmidtke: “Yemeni Manuscripts in European libraries” Christoph Rauch: “Yemeni Manuscripts in Berlin” David Hollenberg: “YMDI: Progress and Prospects” David Magier: “YMDI at Princeton” 10:30-11:30 Manuscripts in the digital humanities [English] David Magier (chair) Stephanie Wood: “YMDI Distance Research Environment” Cliff Wulfman: “The Road to the Web: Digitizing Manuscripts from Yemen” Gregory Crane: [tba] 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13:45-15:45 Zaydī Studies I [English] Gregor Schwarb (chair) Jan Thiele: “Zaydī Scholarship as reflected in Manuscript Glosses” Aron Zysow: “Kalām works by Ibn al-Murtaḍā” Eirik Hovden: “Zaydi endowment fiqh between doctrines and legal practice” Christoph Rauch: “Zaydi scholarship in 16th century Yemen: Wadi al-Sirr as an example” 16:00-18:00 Zaydī Studies II [English/French] Bernard Haykel (chair and discussant) Hassan Ansari: “al-Kaššāf d’al-Zamaḫšarī et les Zaydites du Yémen” Sabine Schmidtke: “The doctrinal thought of ʿAbd Allāh b. Zayd al-ʿAnsī (d. 667/1268)” Brinkley Messick: “Readings in a System of Texts” Gregor Schwarb: “Some observations on Fakhr al-Dīn al-Najrī’s K. Mirqāt al-anẓār” May 10th 9:00-11:00 The Private Libraries of Manuscripts in Yemen [Arabic] Bernard Haykel (chair) Ahmed Ishaq: “IZBACF and the YMDI Project – Obstacles and Challenges” ʿAbd al-Salām b. ʿAbbās al-Wajīh: “Turāth al-Yaman al-makhṭūṭ bayna l-ihmāl wa-muḥāwalāt al-inqādh” Hassan Ansari: “Al-Maktabāt al-khāṣṣa fī l-Yaman wa-ahammiyyatuhā fī l-dirāsāt al-muʿtaziliyya muqāranatan bi-dawr al-maktabāt al-ʿāmma fī Ṣanʿāʾ” 11:15-12:30 Arabic Manuscript Digitization and Cataloging projects [English] David Hollenberg (chair) Cécile Bonmariage: “Beyond texts: Digital collections, codicology and paleography (or: the missing links)” Anne Regourd: “Preserving the material book, virtually: the importance of paper in digitizing the private libraries of Zabīd” Joyce Bell: “Beyond cataloging: data conversion and structures for presenting a digitized manuscript” Thoralf Hanstein: “Berlin activities in the field of cataloguing and digitization” 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:45-15:45 Breakout Group Discussions: “Yemeni manuscripts & the digital humanities: Prospects for a new manuscript age” 16:00-17:30 Tour of the manuscript collection of Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Christoph Rauch)
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