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Parution d’ouvrage : “Hajj Travelogues”, Richard Van Leeuwen, 2024.

Richard Van Leeuwen, Hajj Travelogues. Texts and Contexts from the 12th Century until 1950, Brill, Leyde, 2024



In Hajj Travelogues: Texts and Contexts from the 12th Century until 1950 Richard van Leeuwen maps the corpus of hajj accounts from the Muslim world and Europe. The work outlines the main issues in a field of study which has largely been neglected. A large number of hajj travelogues are described as a textual type integrating religious discourse into the form of the journey. Special attention is given to their intertextual embedding in the broader discursive tradition of the hajj. Since the corpus is seen as dynamic and responsive to historical developments, the texts are situated in their historical context and the subsequent phases of globalisation. It is shown how in travelogues forms of religious subjectivity are constructed and expressed.


Table of content 



Part 1 From the Biginnings until 1800

Chapter 1 The Formation of a Corpus

Chapter 2 Journeys

Chapter 3 Politics

Chapter 4 Religion

Chapter 5 The Spiritual Dimension

Chapter 6 European Discourses


Part 2 1800-1950

Chapter 7 European Intrusions and the Impact of Modernity

Chapter 8 Continuity and Change

Chapter 9 Journeys

Chapter 10 Politics

Chapter 11 Religion

Chapter 12 The Spiritual Dimension







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Nour Dahmani (6 septembre 2024). Parution d’ouvrage : “Hajj Travelogues”, Richard Van Leeuwen, 2024. Diwan. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Nour Dahmani

Doctorante à l'université de Toulouse 2, laboratoires FRAMESPA et CIHAM. Je travaille sur le monde arabo-latin de la cathédrale de Tolède aux XIIe et XIIIe siècles.

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