Workshop international : “Turco-Indica: Turkish-Related Manuscripts in South Asia”, Paris (Collège de France), 31/05/24
Collège de France, Institut des Civilisations, Centre d’études ottomanes
52 rue Cardinal Lemoine, 75005 Paris
Salle Françoise Héritier
9h30 – 17h
While South Asia is known for its extraordinary linguistic variety and intensive production of manuscripts in these different languages, most research to date has focused exclusively on the Persian and Indic spheres. Of course, texts in Persian, Sanskrit, Hindi-Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali and many other vernacular languages represent a massive and overwhelmingly majority body of works. The Perso-Indica project led by Fabrizio Speziale and Carl Ernst, which presents a comprehensive survey of Persian writings on Indian learned traditions, is a major contribution in this respect. The fact remains that knowledge and use of Turkish languages (mainly Chaghatay, and Ottoman to a lesser extent) are clearly attested in the Subcontinent, particularly in the Panjab, Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir, Rajasthan and Telangana. A quick glance at the manuscript catalogues of libraries in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh shows that books related to Turkish language, literature and culture were copied, read and commented on by South Asian literati. A few pioneering studies have been published on this neglected aspect of al-Hind’s intellectual history. The aim of this workshop is to take a further step in this direction by exploring two areas, namely
1) the manuscripts themselves, i.e. their number, genre, authorship, location and circulation, and
2) a selection of key texts, which reflect intellectual interactions, the transmission of knowledge (with particular emphasis on lexical and grammatical works written to teach Turkic languages) and the court culture of Mughals and other dynasties.
9.30 Opening
9.45-10.00 Alexandre Papas & Marc Toutant
Welcoming Address
Session 1: Manuscripts
Naveen Kanalu (EHESS-CRH, Paris), chair
10.00-10.30 Ghulam Shams-ur-Rehman (Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad)
An Overview of the Turkish Manuscripts Available in Pakistan
10.30-11.00 Alexandre Papas (CNRS-EPHE, Paris)
Mapping Turkish-Related Manuscripts in India. A Preliminary Survey
11.00-11.30 Nur Sobers-Khan (University of Exeter)
Turkic Manuscripts in the South Asia Collections of the British Library
11.30-12.00 Discussion
Lunch break (12.00-1.30)
Session 2: Linguistics and Literature
Harit Joshi (INALCO, Paris), chair
1.30-2.00 Fikret Turan (Istanbul University)
Styles and Strategies Observed in Chaghatay Turkic-Persian Dictionaries Created in Mughal India
2.00-2.30 Czentnár András (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Discovering Metadata from a Language Textbook. An Example of a Turkic Manuscript from India
Coffee break (2.30-3.00)
3.00-3.30 Marc Toutant (CNRS-INALCO, Paris)
Which Chaghatay Poets did the Mughals Read? Lessons from a Manuscript of a 18th-Century Turki
3.30-4.00 Benedek Péri (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
‘Ubaydullah Khan Ubaydi’s Poems in a Manuscript Copied in 18th-Century Mughal India
4.00-4.30 Discussion
5.00 Closing
Alexandre Papas
Marc Toutant
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
selinaltunsoy (23 avril 2024). Workshop international : “Turco-Indica: Turkish-Related Manuscripts in South Asia”, Paris (Collège de France), 31/05/24. Diwan. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse