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À paraître: H. Kennedy et F. Bessard (éd.), Land and Trade in Early Islam The Economy of the Islamic Middle East 750-1050 CE., Oxford University Press, août 2024

Land and Trade in Early Islam discusses the latest developments in the field of early Islamic economic and social history, and explores the notion of polycentrism and the dialectic between global and local between 700 and 1050 CE. The volume explores the political mechanisms and the role of Islamic states in regulating and developing demand in the economy. The chapters question the binary of core/periphery, and demonstrate how the growing scholarship on the liminal regions of the Caliphate has transformed our understanding of the early Islamic world by offering a more nuanced picture of its regional urban and socio-economic dynamics. Changes in the peripheries of the early medieval Caliphate have traditionally been conceived as resulting from initiatives by the core. An increased focus on the comparatively under-explored regions in central Asia, north Africa, south-east Asia and the Caucasus has thrown this into question. Land and Trade in Early Islam draws on this growing body of scholarship to question the notion of peripherality, explore lines of economic influence and interdependence, and to better understand the regional economic, social and political dynamics of this period.

Table of content:

Part I: Economic Exceptionalism in Early Islam: Myth or Realityn
1. The Late Antique and Byzantine Context to early Islamic Mercantile Activity, Peter Sarris
2. An Islamic Agricultural Revolution, Michael Decker
Part II: Politics of Investment
3. Introduction, Hugh Kennedy
A. Caliphal Initiatives          
4. Caliphs, the Economy, and Political Separatism in the Hijaz, Harry Munt
5. Power and Money on the Hajj, Peter Webb
6. Early Islamic Water Management in Northern Mesopotamia, Louise Rayne
7. Landholding, Investment, and Irrigation in Lower Iraq, Noemie Lucas
8. Dynamics of Agricultural Investment in al-Ahwaz in the Early Islamic Period, Mehrnoush Soroush
9. A Tale of Two Services: Fatimid Public Services to Control the Maritime Trade, David Bramoulle
B. Economic Initiatives from Religious Communities
10. The Imams as Economic Actors, Ed Hayes
11. Silent Partners: Christians in the Economy of Early Islamic Palestine, Dan Reynolds
Part III: Local and Regional Trading Identities from the Maghreb to the Indian Ocean
12. Introduction, Fanny Bessard
13. The Ibadi Trading Communities of the Maghreb, Cyrille Aillet
14. Muslim Expansionism and the Formation of an Arabian Mercantile Complex in the Red Sea, Kristoffer Damgaard
15. Trade in the Comoros Islands, Stephanes Pradines
16. The Middle East as Seen by the Arab Geographers (Ninth to Tenth centuries): A Multipolar Urban Network, Jean-Charles Ducène
17. North-Eastern Mesopotamia as an Economic Area from an Archaeological Perspective, Karel Novacek
18. Infrastructure and Organisation of the Early Islamic Slave Trade with Northern Europe, Marek Jankowiak
19. Trade in Abbasid Armenia, Alison Vacca
20. The Islamic Trade Network in the Indian Ocean (Ninth to Eleventh Centuries): Locations and Practices, Jean-Charles Ducène

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Enki Baptiste (14 avril 2024). À paraître: H. Kennedy et F. Bessard (éd.), Land and Trade in Early Islam The Economy of the Islamic Middle East 750-1050 CE., Oxford University Press, août 2024. Diwan. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Enki Baptiste

Postdoctorant en histoire médiévale et en islamologie (Université Lumière Lyon 2 - CIHAM UMR 5648), chercheur associé au CEFREPA USR 3141

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