Publication: Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures
Launch of Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures, a new monograph series for Islamic art and architecture. The series will be published by the well respected German publisher de Gruyter, and co-edited by Avinoam Shalem and Finbarr Barry Flood. The editors will be assisted by an advisory board comprised of international scholars in the relevant fields. Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures is the first professional academic book series devoted to the art, architecture and material culture of the Islamic world that approaches cultural production as a series of interrelated aesthetic rather than predominantly regional or religious phenomena. The series focuses on aesthetics, mobility, translatability and, conversely, on the limits of both, the tensions between mobility and rootedness, and the transformation of cultural forms and practices in translation. Seizing the moment of a growing interest in questions of mobility and the intersections between the global and the local, the series encourages approaches that move beyond the traditional search for origins or influence to emphasize the role of "Islamic" art as one of the main vectors in a global history of art. The series will mainly publish submissions in English that demonstrate innovative scholarship of a high calibre; works dealing with areas or subjects marginalized within canonical histories of Islamic art are especially welcome. It will include monographs on relevant work in any media from the beginnings of the Islamic period to the present as well as critical approaches to the historiography of the visual in both academic and museological contexts. Manuscripts and proposals should include a short (3- to 5-page) description of the book, its significance and relevance to the fields(s) that it engages, a table of contents and a brief CV of the author(s)/editor(s). They should be submitted to: Katja Richter, Editor, Art & Music Division, Walter de Gruyter GmbH Genthiner Strasse 13 D-10785 Berlin / Germany Avinoam Shalem is Professor for History of Islamic Art and Architecture at Munich University and Max-Planck Fellow at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence. Finbarr Barry Flood is the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Humanities at the Institute of Fine Arts and Department of Art History, New York University.
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Camille Rhoné (7 juillet 2013). Publication: Visual Histories of Islamic Cultures. Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse