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Appel à comm. : “Mutual Understanding on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Concepts, Ideas, and Perceptions”, 21-22 nov. 2024 (limite 28 fév. 2024), University of Jordan (Jordanie)

Argumentaire : Philosophy day conference – English

The Conference is a peer reviewed and accepted research papers will be published in a special issue of JJSS.
The Conference will not provide translation services, the main language used will be Arabic. However, interested Scholars who want to participate by presenting their papers in French or English ought to provide the Conference

Committee with an Arabic translation. Nonetheless, the published version of the paper might be composed in any of the three languages (Arabic, English, and French).

Corresponding Scholars: Please bear in mind that the final Abstract submission deadline is 28th of February 2024.
The Scientific Committee will inform the scholars of accepting/rejecting their abstracts by 15th of March 2024. The Full Research paper submission is due no later than 30th of June 2024, in order for it to be sent to the referees, only refereed and accepted papers will be published. Corresponding Scholars are required to add a brief CV with their papers.
Research papers should be original and had not been published before (neither electronically nor in print).

The Conference will offer accommodation in Jordan to the participant from Arab countries. Participants from other participating institutes are required to contact their home institutes for financial support. The French Embassy in Amman will also support Two Scholars from France. Further information on logistics (Hotels … etc.) will be announced later.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Sami Benkherfallah (13 février 2024). Appel à comm. : “Mutual Understanding on Both Sides of the Mediterranean: Concepts, Ideas, and Perceptions”, 21-22 nov. 2024 (limite 28 fév. 2024), University of Jordan (Jordanie). Diwan. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

Sami Benkherfallah

Chercheur associé au Centre d'études supérieures de civilisation médiévale. Enseignant en histoire médiévale à l'université d'Angers

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