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Appel à comm. : “Channels of transmission of astronomical knowledge in the Ottoman world (14th-18th century)”, Istanbul, 21-24/11/2023 (limite : 25 juin 2023)

Appel à communication : colloque “Channels of transmission of astronomical knowledge in the Ottoman world (14th-18th century)” , Istanbul, 21-24 novembre 2023

Présentation : 2023_11_21-24_Transmission of astronomical knowledge_CFP

The Department of the History of Science at Istanbul University and the Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA) invites researchers (professors, doctoral and early career researchers, free lancers) working on the history or application of astronomical and astrological knowledge to submit abstract for the conference “Channels of transmission of astronomical knowledge in the Ottoman world (14th-18th century)” that will be the from the 21 to the 24 November 2023 in Istanbul.

This international colloquium aims to investigate the history of the development and choice of methods and the production of astronomical techniques in the Ottoman world from the 14th tothe 18th century, including the Mediterranean and all the territories that were part of this empire.

The target audience is therefore broad. The participation of colleagues from Hellenistic, Byzantine, Turkish, Iranian, Arabic and Ottoman disciplines, as well as specialists in the history of astronomical techniques in Europe, will allow us to define a field of investigation in this area that combines researchers from the humanities and natural sciences through the history of astronomy. We wish to retrace the path of the transmission of astronomical techniques and methods through time and space and to highlight the key moments of contact between the holders of knowledge and the sponsors who will ensure the historical continuity of this knowledge through an antique and medieval network going from China to Europe, assimilated then developed synthetically and extensively during the Ottoman period.

Furthermore, this conference will make accessible a series of sources in various languages whose plurality (Turkish (Cagatai and Ottoman), Arabic, Persian, Greek, Chinese, Syriac, Armenian, Sanskrit, Middle Persian) is not systematically analysed in parallel. Ultimately, we wish to try to reconstruct part of the complex puzzle of the development of astronomical techniques and methods in different cultural and historical areas that contributed to the development of astronomical sciences related to temporality.

We are very pleased to announce that the Congress website is ready for the Call for Papers at the following address:

date limite : 25 juin 2023

The deadline for submitting an abstract is by June 25, 2023. Since we are particularly keen to encourage people to join in person, the opportunity for online participation will be limited and restrained by strict conditions, such as being unable to get a visa or having support to travel. We plan to announce for accepted papers by July 20.

Contact : Dr.Gaye Danışan (Istanbul University), Dr.Florence Somer (IFEA)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Marianne BRISVILLE (30 mai 2023). Appel à comm. : “Channels of transmission of astronomical knowledge in the Ottoman world (14th-18th century)”, Istanbul, 21-24/11/2023 (limite : 25 juin 2023). Diwan. Consulté le 19 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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