“Seminar for Arabian Studies 2013”, 26-28 juill. 2013, Londres
About the Seminar
The Seminar for Arabian Studies is the only annual international forum for the presentation of the latest academic research on the Arabian Peninsula. The subjects covered include archaeology, history, epigraphy, languages, literature, art, culture, ethnography, geography, etc. from the earliest times to the present day or, in the case of political and social history, to the end of the Ottoman Empire (1922).
Its three-day conference is held each July at the British Museum and the Proceedings are always published in time for the conference the following year – a record for the publication of conference proceedings. Between 50 and 60 papers are presented each year, together with many posters. In recent years, there has also been a Special Session on a particular topic, papers from which are published in a separate Supplement, also within the year. Recent Special Sessions have been on “The development of Arabic as a written language”, “The Nabataeans in Focus”, and “Museums in Arabia”. In 2013, the Special Session will be on “The ancient and modern languages of Southern Arabia”. Over 200 scholars and students from countries throughout the world attend the Seminar each year. Interested members of the public are also very welcome.
The 2013 Seminar for Arabian Studies
The 46th Seminar for Arabian Studies will be held from Friday 26th to Sunday 28 July 2013 at the British Museum.
Please click to download the Seminar draft programme, a Speaker’s form which must be returned by 30th April at the latest, and a registration and accommodation booking form.
Special Session at the Seminar for Arabian Studies 2013
At the 2013 Seminar there will be a Special Session on the “Languages of South Arabia in antiquity and modern times”. The Session will be organized in 4 themed panels and will cover Ancient South Arabian, Modern South Arabian, and the Arabic dialects spoken in the southern part of the Aabian Peninsula. The programme can be found by clicking the link to the Seminar draft programme above.
The Seminar is very happy to receive submissions for the presentation of research posters. All submissions should be completed using the poster abstract submission form and emailed directly to seminar.arab@durham.ac.uk, for consideration by the Steering Committee. The deadline for the submission of poster abstracts is the 31st May 2013
Invitations to attend the Seminar and/or to give a paper can be issued on request to enable participants to obtain leave from their academic institutions and/or to obtain visas. However, invitations to give a paper can only be issued after an abstract has been submitted and accepted. In addition the Seminar is run on a largely voluntary basis and is non-profit-making. It is therefore unable to offer financial assistance for travel or accommodation or to waive the conference fee.
Steering and Editorial Committee of the Seminar for Arabian Studies
Dr Lloyd Weeks (chair)
Dr Mark Beech
Dr Rob Carter
Dr Nadia Durrani
Prof. Robert Hoyland
Dr Derek Kennet
Mr Michael Macdonald
Dr Venetia Porter
Dr St John Simpson
Mrs Janet Starkey
Prof. Janet Watson
Ms Sarah Morriss and Ms Alaa Alrawaibah (joint Secretaries)
For more information about the Seminar for Arabian Studies please contact:
The Secretaries – Seminar for Arabian Studies
The British Museum
c/o Middle East Department
Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DG
email: seminar.arab@durham.ac.uk
Infos: http://www.thebfsa.org/content/seminar-arabian-studies
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Alice KADRI (22 avril 2013). “Seminar for Arabian Studies 2013”, 26-28 juill. 2013, Londres. Diwan. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/npu2