Workshop : “Jihad in Medieval Islam. Texts, theories and practices (7th-14th c.)”. IFAO (Le Caire), 11/10/2021.
Jihad in Medieval islam. Texts, Theories, and practices (7th-14th c.) IFAO, Cairo, Monday 11Th october 2021
9:00-9:15 Words of welcome
Laurent Coulon (Director/IFAO) and/or Abbès Zouache (Director of studies/IFAO)
9:15: Introduction
Mehdi Berriah (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & Abbès Zouache (Ifao, Cairo)
Jihad’s issues in Medieval Islamic law
9:30 – 11:00 Chairman: Taef Elazhari (Helwan University, Cairo)
— Moussa Abou Ramadan (Strasbourg university)
The Distinction between Combatant and Civilian in Sarakhsī’s Legal Doctrine
— Mehdi Berriah (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
The Empty Bayt al-Māl: a Sine Qua Non Condition for the Imposition of a Tax for Financing Jihad?
— Yaser Ellethy (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
A Medieval Derelict Jihad Canon: Ibn Taymiya’s Qā‘ida Mukhtaṣara fī Qitāl al-Kuffār and the Ethics of Combating Non-Believers
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
Jihad, Crusades and Furūsiyya
11:30-12:30 Chairman: Yaser Ellethy (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
— Taef Elazhari (Helwan University, Cairo)
The Politics of Jihad in Early Crusading Period Among the Turkmen and Kurds — Abbès Zouache (Ifao, Cairo)
Jihad vs Furūsiyya. Preliminary Reflections
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Jihad in Western Islam
14:00-15:00 Chairman: Mehdi Berriah (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
— Mehdi Ghouirgate (Bordeaux III University) The Holy War: The Key Stone of the Berber Empires
— Yassir Benhima (Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle University) ممارسة الجهاد في العصر المرابطي من خلال نوازل ابن الحاج التجيبي
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
Suleiman Mourad (Smith College)
A Reexamination of the Concept of Jihad in Medieval Islam: Historical Realities vs Modern Polemics
Mehdi Berriah (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) & Abbès Zouache (IFAO, Cairo) Publishing process information and timeline
Dinner 19:30
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Hassan Bouali (3 octobre 2021). Workshop : “Jihad in Medieval Islam. Texts, theories and practices (7th-14th c.)”. IFAO (Le Caire), 11/10/2021. Diwan. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse