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Appel à contribution- Saints and the City: Urban Holiness before Modernity

Saints and the City is an international, interdisciplinary workshop on urban holiness in pre-modern times in East and West. Graduates and young post-graduates will be able to present their researches as guests of the Erlangen Centre for European Medieval and Renaissance Studies IZEMIR and the DFG-Research Group “Holiness and Sanctification in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period. Intercultural Perspectives in Europe and Asia”.

Saints and the City. Urban Holiness before Modernity : Workshop for Graduates and Young Post-Graduates, Erlangen (Germany), 8–10 July 2013.


Saints in the city, living holy men and women, have set their mark on the life of western urban centres for hundreds of years. What specifically were the hallmarks of urban holiness in the Pre-Modern West? How did urban holiness develop and what influence did its embodying representatives exercise on political, social and cultural discourse? What forms of media conveyed their message? Are there comparable phenomena in the Near and Far East?

The Erlangen workshop will pursue answers to these questions on an interdisciplinary basis. Younger researchers (those pursuing doctorates or having completed them and still younger 35 years of age) are invited to present their research findings for discussion by a large and varied audience.

Prof. Dr. Albert Dietl (Art History, Regensburg) will give a keynote evening lecture on the topic of “Urban Patrons in Medieval Italy” (in collaboration with the Art Historical Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).

Call for Papers

will offer five fellowships of 250 € in support of travel and attendance costs for presenters.

Interested persons should send a CV and brief description of their proposed topic to the following Address:

Prof. Dr. Michele C. Ferrari
Mittellatein und Neulatein
Kochstr. 4/3
D-91054 Erlangen (Germany)

by 15 April 2013

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Camille Rhoné (21 novembre 2012). Appel à contribution- Saints and the City: Urban Holiness before Modernity. Diwan. Consulté le 15 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

Camille Rhoné

Agrégée d'histoire, titulaire d'une thèse de doctorat en histoire de l'Islam médiéval ("Défendre le territoire en Iran nord-oriental - Khorassan et Transoxiane -, IXe-XIe siècle"), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

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